Content Structure of the Concept LANGUAGE in Language Mentality of the French
Salikhova Oksana Konstantinovna
Pacific State University
Submitted: 05.11.2020
Abstract. The article is devoted to studying the concept LANGUE/LANGUAGE in language mentality of the French. The purpose of the study is to determine the content of the considered concept. Although the concept LANGUE/LANGUAGE represents a complex social phenomenon - a natural language, it has not received due attention in the Romance studies. Scientific novelty of the work lies in determining the structure of the studied concept in the French linguistic consciousness. The fundamental principle of the research is a synchronic description of language phenomena. As a result of the study, basing on Z. D. Popova’s and I. A. Sternin’s ideas, basic and peripheral, as well as universal and specific, national-cultural content meanings of the concept LANGUE/LANGUAGE are identified.
Key words and phrases: концепт LANGUE/ЯЗЫК, концептуальный признак, ядро концепта, периферия концепта, концептуальная картина мира, concept LANGUE/LANGUAGE, conceptual feature, concept core, concept periphery, conceptual worldview
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