Ways of Colloquial Phraseological Unit Renomination in the French Literary Translations
Lapaeva Evgeniya Yurievna
Submitted: 24.10.2020
Abstract. The paper aims to identify ways of colloquial phraseological unit renomination in the French translated texts. Scientific novelty lies in shifting the researcher’s attention from studying translations of foreign texts into Russian to studying translations of the Russian texts into the foreign language; in providing a comprehensive representation of ways of colloquial phraseological unit rendering at the text level and from the standpoint of the renomination theory in translated texts of the narrative genre, which are characterised by a high degree of national colour. As a result, the researcher has identified intra-level, cross-level, complex, partial and zero ways of renomination, which allow conveying idiomatic, content, stylistic and impressive aspects of phraseological units of an original text using means of the French language.
Key words and phrases: реноминация, разговорные фразеологические единицы, просторечие, французский переводной художественный текст, renomination, colloquial phraseological units, popular speech, French translated literary text
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