Types of Interrogative Sentences with Modal Particles in the German Language
Averina Anna Viktorovna
Moscow Region State University
Submitted: 19.10.2020
Abstract. The paper aims to describe semantics of the German interrogative sentences with the particles ‘denn’, ‘eigentlich’, ‘doch’, ‘etwa’, ‘wohl’, ‘schon’, ‘auch’, ‘eigentlich’, ‘blo?’ and ‘mal’ . Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that the author identifies and describes different types of the German interrogative sentences with modal particles and reveals correlation of sentence structure, particle use and the speaker’s communicative intention. The conducted research allows concluding that the particles ‘denn’, ‘eigentlich’, ‘doch’, ‘etwa’, ‘wohl’, ‘schon’, ‘auch’, ‘eigentlich’, ‘blo?’ and ‘mal’ participate in formation of the following types of questions: bewildered question; question-reminiscence; question-expectation; question expressing uncertainty; question intended to clarify the situation; rhetorical question; question introducing a new theme; question - polite request. Word order in the sentence and a type of propositional subject indicate the speaker’s communicative intention.
Key words and phrases: модальные частицы, иллокутивный тип, вопросительное предложение, типы вопросов, modal particles, illocutive type, interrogative sentence, question types
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