Features of Artistic Detail Functioning in "The Simple Story of a Silly Woman" by V. N. Gavrilyeva
Androsova Tatyana Lavrentyevna, Vasilyeva Tatyana Nilovna
K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University
Submitted: 06.08.2020
Abstract. The research objective includes identifying features of the artistic detail functioning in "The Simple Story of a Silly Woman" by the Yakut writer V. N. Gavrilyeva. The paper aims to analyse the artistic detail role in revealing personages’ characters and psychological conditions. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that relying on works of the Russian literary critics N. L. Vershinina, E. S. Dobin, V. A. Kukharenko, the authors propose their own classification of artistic details. The research findings are as follows: the key detail-symbol is identified, its role in literary images development is revealed; some other artistic details are highlighted; specificity of the colour palette used to describe personages’ inner state is determined.
Key words and phrases: Валентина Гаврильева, художественная деталь, психология героев произведения, символ, Valentina Gavrilyeva, artistic detail, personages’ psychology, symbol
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