General Negative Sentences with Adverbial Negation in the English Language
Fayruzova Angela Rasulevna, Yakhibbaeva Larisa Mukhamedovna
Ufa State Petroleum Technological University
Submitted: 31.08.2020
Abstract. The research objective includes identifying structural-semantic models of general negative sentences in the English language. The authors examine the category of adverbial negation, analyse the structure of a general negative sentence and reveal sentential meaning of its elements, which constitutes scientific originality of the study. The conducted research allows concluding that general negative sentences can express direct negation (action itself is completely negated) and shifted negation (negation does not affect the verb but is shifted to adjacent words). Adverbial negation can affect a wide range of the sentence elements: the verb itself and a group of adjacent words.
Key words and phrases: общеотрицательное предложение, приглагольный тип отрицания, смещенное отрицание, форма отрицания, general negative sentence, adverbial negation, shifted negation, type of negation
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