Linguo-Culturological Analysis of the German Phraseological Units with the Core Component "BIER"
Danilova Victoria Anatolievna
Moscow State Linguistic University
Submitted: 30.09.2020
Abstract. The research objective is as follows: relying on the linguo-culturological approach, the author tries to reconstruct a fragment of the German verbal and cogitative worldview represented by phraseological units with the nominal core component "BIER". Scientific novelty of the research lies in choosing little-studied phraseological material, including archaic idioms related to the thematic field "Brewing and Beer Drinking in Germany", and in conducting their linguo-cultural analysis. As a result, phraseological units with the core component "BIER", implementing principle concepts of beer as a sociocultural phenomenon within the German linguistic worldview, are identified, organised and described.
Key words and phrases: языковая картина мира, лингвокультурологический подход, фразеологическая единица с компонентом "BIER", гастрономический дискурс, немецкий язык, linguistic worldview, linguo-cultural approach, phraseological unit with the component "BIER", gastronomic discourse, German language
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