Comic Representation of Animalistic Images in the American Linguo-Culture (by the Material of Stand-Up Comedies)
Bochkarev Arsentii Igorevich
Novosibirsk State Technical University
Submitted: 14.09.2020
Abstract. The paper aims to reveal axiologically valuable comic characteristics of the USA fauna representatives in stand-up comedies. Scientific originality of the research involves identifying the concepts of praise and the concepts of mockery used to describe the USA fauna representatives. The study focuses on analysing the English-language stand-up comedies from the viewpoint of realization of comic characteristics of the USA fauna representatives. The conducted research allows identifying axiologically valuable animalistic images and axiologically valuable comic characteristics within humorous discourse. It is shown that deer, raccoons, cats and dogs are among favourite objects of mockery. The basic comic concepts are STUPIDITY, RUDENESS, WIT and CUNNING.
Key words and phrases: комический эффект, концепты восхваления, концепты осмеяния, стендап-комедии, американская лингвокультура, представители фауны в дискурсе
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