Basic Emotions "Joy" and "Fear" in Discourse of the German Online Mass Media
Baranova Natalia Alexandrovna, Rusyaeva Maria Mihailovna, Amosova Natalia Vladimirovna
Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M. V. Lomonosov
All-Russian State University of Justice, Middle-Volga Branch (Saransk)
Submitted: 01.10.2020
Abstract. The study aims to identify the most significant linguistic means used for representation of emotiveness at the level of the German media discourse. This allows widening the scope of research, including cognitive elements, text-building models into it and analysing various layers of information associated with indicators of the text emotional component. The research is novel in that, for the first time, emotive discourse of online mass media is considered through juxtaposition of two basic emotions, i.e. the emotions "joy" and "fear". As a result, the authors provide a comprehensive description of emotiveness of the German online mass media discourse, using actualisation of the basic emotions "joy" and "fear" in the text as an example, and prove that emotiveness of the German publicist text is expressed via both lexical and syntactic means and that it is an important part of the event-driven media text.
Key words and phrases: языковая репрезентация базовых эмоций, эмотивность текста, немецкий медийный дискурс, linguistic representation of basic emotions, text emotiveness, German media discourse
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