Evolution of Dual Voice Construction Formed by Combination of Active and Neutral Voice in the Armenian Language System. Neutralization of Dual Voice Meanings
Zakyan Granush Surenovna
Shirak State University named after Mikayel Nalbandian
Submitted: 24.07.2020
Abstract. The article presents results of a diachronic study of Dual Voice in the Armenian language system. The author identifies factors, which conditioned neutralization of Dual Voice meanings in the course of the Armenian language development. The paper shows that changes in the verb conjugation system resulted in considerable reduction in the number of Dual Voice verbs. Scientific originality of the paper lies in the fact that the researcher for the first time provides a diachronic study of the Dual Voice category in the Armenian language and identifies changes in the voice category, in particular, neutralization of Dual Voice meanings. The findings indicate that the Armenian language has undergone a systemic transformation - unification of the verb conjugation system.
Key words and phrases: армянский язык, диахроническое развитие, категория залога, глагольная система, нейтрализация двузалоговости, Armenian language, diachronic development, voice category, verbal system, neutralization of Dual Voice meanings
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