Stylistic Potential of Elliptical Constructions in the German Advertising Texts
Pervak Tatiana Vladimirovna
Moscow Region State University
Submitted: 05.08.2020
Abstract. The paper examines the stylistic potential of elliptical constructions identified in the German advertising texts. The study focuses on describing the basic types of elliptical constructions used in beer advertising with a view to reveal their expressive potential. Scientific originality of the research involves identifying the role of elliptical constructions in achieving the purposes of beer advertising. The findings indicate that advertising texts are characterized by dynamism and laconicism typical of elliptical constructions. The author justifies the thesis that elliptical constructions are actively used for brand promotion in order to make products recognizable.
Key words and phrases: стилистический потенциал, неполные синтаксические конструкции, немецкие рекламные тексты, экспрессивность, эллипсис, номинативное предложение, stylistic potential, elliptical constructions, German advertising texts, expressiveness, ellipsis, nominative sentence
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