Synonymic Chains of Adjectives of Size with the Meaning "Big Size" in the English Language
Grintsova Oga Vasilievna, Solmanidina Natalya Viktorovna
Penza State University of Architecture and Construction
Submitted: 12.07.2020
Abstract. The research objectives are as follows: to compile a corpus of the English adjectives of size with the meaning "big size", to arrange them into synonymic chains according to their lexico-semantic features. There is a number of studies on the English adjectives of size, but the authors for the first time provide a comprehensive functional-semantic description of dimensional adjectives designating length, width, height, depth, thickness and identify their role in the adjective system of the modern English language, which constitutes scientific originality of the paper. The research findings are as follows: the English adjectives of size (237 lexical units) are classified into thematic groups according to their lexico-semantic features. Analysing etymology of the adjectives ‘great’, ‘large’, ‘big’, the authors conclude that these words belong to the most ancient stratum of the English vocabulary. Expressive potential of the adjectives under study is revealed.
Key words and phrases: синонимический ряд, английские прилагательные размера со значением "большая величина", семантические связи, доминантное звено, экспрессивность, synonymic chain, English adjectives of size with the meaning "big size", semantic relations, dominant chain, expressiveness
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