N. Berdyaev’s Philosophy in S. Yesenin’s Creative Work
Eremenko Nataliya Alekseevna
National Research Nuclear University MEPhI
Submitted: 11.08.2020
Abstract. The article aims to identify specificity of N. Berdyaev’s philosophical doctrine implementation in S. Yesenin’s creative work. His poetical heritage is considered in the context of N. Berdyaev’s conception of the Russian national character. Scientific originality of the study involves revealing N. Berdyaev’s philosophy influence on S. Yesenin’s artistic and philosophical views formation. The paper shows what postulates of Berdyaev’s philosophy Yesenin adopted and how he implemented them in his creative work. The research findings are as follows: the author proves that Berdyaev’s philosophical works had a considerable impact on the poet’s worldview and poetics.
Key words and phrases: С. Есенин, русская литература, Н. Бердяев, философия нового религиозного сознания, S. Yesenin, Russian literature, N. Berdyaev, conception of new religious consciousness
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