Metaphorical Interpretation of Sainthood in Akathist Hymns
Ryadovykh Natalya Alexandrovna
Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin
Submitted: 07.08.2020
Abstract. The paper examines the means of the "saint" concept metaphorical interpretation in Akathist hymns. By the material of Akathist hymns to Orthodox saints, the author analyses specificity of the "saint" concept explication through metaphorical representation of concrete objects and phenomena. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that the concept "saint" is for the first time considered through the prism of metaphors used in Akathist hymns. The research findings are as follows: the author identifies a set of cognitive metaphors that represent specificity of religious and moral consciousness and worldview and serve as a multidimensional symbolic equivalent of the "saint" concept.
Key words and phrases: религиозный функциональный стиль, жанр, акафист, когнитивная метафора, святой, religious functional style, genre, Akathist hymn, cognitive metaphor, saint
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