Zakirzyanov Al'fat Magsumzyanovich, Gabidullina Farida Imamutdinovna
G. Ibragimov Institute of Language, Literature and Art of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences
Elabuga Institute (Branch) of Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
Submitted: 07.09.2020
Abstract. The research objective includes identifying specificity of the "return" motive representation in the modern Tatar dramaturgy. The paper reveals causes for revival of this motive at the end of the XX - the beginning of the XXI century, traces its evolution. The researchers’ attention is focused on the following issues: ideological and aesthetic peculiarities, wide range of figurative means, national features of images in the plays under analysis. Scientific originality of the research includes an original approach to studying the modern Tatar plays with a view to examine representation of the "return" motive and to identify its variations. The conducted research allows concluding that the "return" motive in the modern Tatar dramaturgy is closely associated with the author’s artistic thinking, genre affiliation and main artistic idea of a literary work.
Key words and phrases: татарская драматургия, мотив "возвращения", модификация мотива, идея произведения, Tatar dramaturgy, "return" motive, motive variation, idea of literary work
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