Evolution of the "Song" Genre in V. A. Zhukovsky’s Creative Work
Sokolov-Purusin Roman Sergeevich
Maxim Gorky Institute of Literature and Creative Writing
Submitted: 17.09.2020
Abstract. The article examines the song genre in V. A. Zhukovsky’s creative work. Only the works, which the author himself referred to the song genre, are analysed. The research objectives are as follows: to trace evolution of the author’s techniques to reconstruct a song’s "image", to reveal their functionality; relying on the literary critical approach, to justify the dominating role of the musical component in the song genre and to trace its influence while creating a song’s "portrait". Scientific originality of the study involves a cardinally new approach to studying the song genre in the context of a song’s image reconstruction. The research findings are as follows: the style dominants typical of Zhukovsky’s songs are revealed; influence of romanticism as a new artistic method in the context of the genre evolution is identified; the stylistic potential of a language when creating a song’s image is shown.
Key words and phrases: В. А. Жуковский, жанр "песни", эволюция жанра, стилевые доминанты, V. A. Zhukovsky, song genre, genre evolution, style dominants
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