Theoretical Study of the Chinese Syllable Variation
Li Yifang
Amur State University
Submitted: 13.12.2019
Abstract. The article considers specificity of correlation between the linguistic categories of syllable, morpheme and word in the Chinese language. The research objective includes theoretical justification of different phonetic models of one and the same syllable/ word. Relevance of the research is conditioned by the fact that phonetic processes in the modern Chinese language are studied fragmentary; therefore, there is a necessity to shift the focus from the written Chinese speech to the oral one. The conclusions are made about variation of syllable components and strong influence of context, which directly determines syllable/ word models, including weak forms, and promotes the formation of conversational neologisms.
Key words and phrases: иероглиф, слог, инициаль, финаль, слогоморфема, непрерывные и составные слова, варьирование, hieroglyph, syllable, the initial, the final, syllable-morpheme, monosyllabic and polysyllabic words, variation
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