Structural-Semantic Characteristics of Elliptical Imperative Sentences (by the Material of Stephen King’s Novel "11/22/63")
Deputatova Natal'ya Anatol'evna, Shangaraeva Liya Faridovna, Biktagirova Zubaida Al'bertovna
Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
Submitted: 02.11.2019
Abstract. For the first time the paper provides comprehensive multi-aspect analysis of elliptical sentences in the modern English language. The researchers’ attention is focused on identifying and describing structural-semantic characteristics of elliptical imperative sentences. The study is conducted by the material of the novel of the modern American writer Stephen King. Semantic specificity of different types of elliptical sentences is revealed. The findings indicate that imperative sentences in the novel realize two basic meanings: command and request.
Key words and phrases: неполные предложения, семантика, просьба, приказ, императив, говорящий, адресат, elliptical sentences, semantics, request, command, imperative, speaker, addressee
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