Correlation of Metaphor Logical Structure and Cognitive Dissonance Phenomenon (by the Material of the English Language)
Zayats Anna Aleksandrovna
School of Pedagogics of the Far Eastern Federal University in Ussuriysk
Submitted: 19.11.2019
Abstract. The article traces interrelation of the cognitive dissonance phenomenon and the metaphor in the process of communication. The paper aims to analyse the metaphor as a possible cause of cognitive dissonance. The study is conducted within the framework of the logical approach to studying the nature of the metaphor, the metaphor is represented as a deductive argument with unstated premise - enthymeme. Originality of the study lies in the fact that metaphorical models are considered as logical structures. The findings allow concluding that the use of metaphors in the communicative situation does not lead to cognitive dissonance. The conclusions are based on logical analysis of metaphors, contextual analysis and lexicographical analysis.
Key words and phrases: когнитивный диссонанс, метафора, логическое умозаключение, некорректное умозаключение, простой категорический силлогизм, энтимема, экспликация энтимемы, cognitive dissonance, metaphor, argument, false argument, simple categorical syllogism, enthymeme, enthymeme explication
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