Neologisms Formation through the Prism of Culture-Oriented Linguistics (by the Material of the Modern German Language)
Volina Svetlana Aleksandrovna, Doinikova Marina Igorevna
Moscow State Linguistic University
Submitted: 17.11.2019
Abstract. The article reveals the communicative potential of word-formation in the modern German language. Word-formation process is determined by the necessity to fill linguistic lacunas and is associated with linguistic creativity. The authors point out that neologisms always contain a national and cultural component. Importance of the national and cultural aspect when teaching foreign-language neologisms is emphasized. The paper reveals importance of adequate decoding of word-formative structures, which requires both linguistic and background knowledge that plays a special role in cross-cultural communication.
Key words and phrases: словообразовательные модели, мотивированность слов, заполнение языковых лакун - коммуникативная потребность, слова - источник национально-культурной информации, страноведческие (фоновые) знания, word-formative models, motivation of words, filling linguistic lacunas - communicative need, nationally and culturally marked words, cultural (background) knowledge
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