The English Spy Novel of the XXI Century: Peculiarities and Prospects of the Genre Development
Soina Anastasiya Sergeevna
Sevastopol State University
Submitted: 12.11.2019
Abstract. The article aims to provide a survey of modern "spy" literature and to identify the genre transformations. The author relies on the existing studies on the XX-century spy novel. Originality of the paper is determined by the fact that specificity of the English spy novel of the XXI century has not been previously investigated in domestic and foreign literary criticism. The researcher concludes on the non-traditional structure of modern texts and proposes a hypothesis on the existence of the genre variation (dominant) based not on "text affiliation" (tragic, satirical spy novel) but on "geographical location" - the English spy novel proper. The findings can be used while studying a spy novel, both English and western.
Key words and phrases: жанр, жанровая матрица, жанровая доминанта, шпионский роман, современная английская литература, жанровая модификация, проблематика, genre, genre matrix, genre dominant, spy novel, modern English literature, genre modification, problematics
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