Theme of Historical Memory in V. Basaa’s Creative Work
Khalkharova Larisa Tsymzhitovna
Banzarov Buryat State University
Submitted: 12.08.2019
Abstract. The article reveals the theme of historical memory by the material of the plays by the Buryat dramatist V. Basaa "Ямар удаан болообши даа" ("It’s a Long Time since I Saw You") and "?нгэрhэн сагай hэбшээн" ("The Wind of the Past") describing the Buryat emigration to China and the emigrant Urzhin Garmaev’s destiny, who achieved the rank of lieutenant general of the Manchukuo Imperial Army. The researcher argues that the writer’s appeal to the theme of historical memory, his original interpretation of the national culture and history fit the context of his attempts to restore historical justice, to recall long forgotten names.
Key words and phrases: творчество В. Басаа, драма, тема памяти, история, историческая личность, бурятская эмиграция, V. Basaa’s creative work, drama, theme of memory, history, historical figure, Buryat emigration
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