Kirillova Elena Olegovna, Feshchenko Dmitrii Sergeevich
Far Eastern Federal University; Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnography of the Peoples of the Far East of the Far-Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Far Eastern Federal University
Submitted: 16.07.2019
Abstract. The article is devoted to analyzing the second part of S. P. Balabin’s historical novel-dilogy "The Golden Empire". The research is based on the vast amount of mytho-poetical and theological material; special attention is paid to spiritual and religious conceptions, which formed the basis of the novel "Born from Lotus". The authors consider close interweaving of the eastern religious doctrines (Buddhism, Taoism) with the traditional Jurchen religious and mythological conceptions including conceptions of nature (shamanism, animism). It is shown that confrontation of two forces - attackers and defenders - is described within philosophical and religious discourse, the elements of mytho-poetics and expressive artistic means are interweaved into the story.
Key words and phrases: С. П. Балабин, "Рождённый из лотоса", духовно-религиозные основы, мифопоэтические образы, Золотая империя чжурчжэней, дальневосточная литература, S. P. Balabin, "Born from Lotus", spiritual and religious basis, mytho-poetical images, The Golden Empire of Jurchen, Far Eastern literature
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