Rozanova Nataliya Feliksovna
Moscow State Linguistic University
Submitted: 17.05.2019
Abstract. The article identifies the lexical figurative means verbalizing the moral and value concept LA TENTATION - TEMPTATION in the individual consciousness of the French writer G. Flaubert. The research material includes his philosophical drama "The Temptation of Saint Anthony", in which this concept is the central theme of the story. The research methodology includes a propositional and frame analysis. The author considers verbalization of the frame components: subject and object of temptation, means of temptation, motives for temptation, intensity and resistance to temptation. Temptation is considered as an attempt to break the unity of a human being and the God, which leads to moral downfall and sin.
Key words and phrases: искушение, грех, Бог, морально-ценностный концепт, пропозиционально-фреймовый анализ, лексические образные средства, temptation, sin, God, moral and value concept, propositional and frame analysis, lexical figurative means
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