Sysoeva Alesya Aleksandrovna
Moscow State Linguistic University
Submitted: 24.07.2019
Abstract. The article considers the problem of semantic syncretism by the example of the German concept "Geist". The study is based on the linguistic material of the Russian, Latin and other Indo-European languages. Using lexicographical data of modern explanatory, etymological and historical dictionaries, the author provides the comparative analysis of semantics including the synchronous and diachronous aspects. The paper explains polysemy characteristic for the respective concepts in some Indo-European languages and identifies etymology of these lexemes. The problem of developing a universal semantic model is tackled.
Key words and phrases: полисемия, синкретизм, семантическая диффузность, двойственность значения, сравнительный анализ, polysemy, syncretism, semantic diffusion, duality of meaning, comparative analysis
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