Minnullin Kim Mugallimovich, Zakirova Il'seyar Gamilovna
G. Ibragimov Institute of Language, Literature and Art of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences
Submitted: 09.07.2019
Abstract. The article examines Ubyrly karchyk image, which is insufficiently investigated in the Tatar folkloristics. Old Ubyrly is a complicated and contradictory personage who partially resembles Baba Yaga. In the Tatar fairy tales, Ubyrly karchyk is represented in four capacities: a hero’s assistant; a fire holder; a sorceress, witch; a werewolf. Contradictoriness and multi-dimensionality of the image are explained by the fact that it was formed over a long period and assimilated the elements of different origin, from ancient myths to more recent fairy tales, bylichkas (a story of the Russian folklore about an allegedly true event involving a meeting with spirits) and legends.
Key words and phrases: Убырлы карчык, татарский фольклор, помощница героя, волшебная сказка, разновидности образа, Ubyrly karchyk, Tatar folklore, hero’s assistant, fairy tale, versions of image
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