Dzhunkova Katarina
Saint Petersburg University
Submitted: 22.06.2019
Abstract. The article aims to prove that it was Martin Lup??’s New Testament translation that served as a model for the Prague Bible and, consequently, it can be considered an early version of the fourth Old Czech Bible translation. All the versions of this Bible translation are compared. It comes out that Lup??’s translation contains lexical and grammatical innovations. Relevance of the study lies in the following: if Martin Lup??’s New Testament is considered as a model for the Prague Bible, it makes us reconsider our views on the nature of the fourth Old Czech Bible translation and helps to identify the translation model used in the New and Old Testament of the Prague Bible.
Key words and phrases: Мартин Лупач, чешский библейский перевод, древнечешский язык, Пражская Библия, утраквизм, итеративные глаголы, финитная форма глагола, Martin Lup??, Czech Bible translations, Old Czech language, Prague Bible, Utraquism, iterative verbs, finite form of verb
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