Gnatyuk Ol’ga Aleksandrovna
Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University (MADI); Moscow Region State University
Submitted: 11.12.2018
Abstract. The article is devoted to the phenomenon of interference in general and the identification of the theoretical prerequisites for the occurrence of this phenomenon in particular. The author considers the main differences of the grammatical systems of the Spanish and Russian languages and determines the reasons for the appearance of interference errors in the speech of the bilingual speakers of the Spanish and Russian languages living in Spain. Conclusions are drawn that interference errors may appear in the Spanish speech of the Russian-speaking immigrants at all the language levels including the grammatical one, which is a consequence of the inconsistency of the grammatical systems of the Russian and Spanish languages.
Key words and phrases: билингвизм, двуязычие, интерференция, русский язык, испанский язык, bilingualism, interference, Russian language, Spanish language
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