Vlasova Elizaveta Alekseevna
Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
Submitted: 10.06.2019
Abstract. The article aims to detect and analyse the mechanisms for creating the auto-intertextual character of the short novel "A Foreign Woman" by S. Dovlatov. Thus, by the material of the short novel, the study focuses on illustrating how autointertextuality helps to realize the writer’s creative tasks. At the same time, the focus of the research is directed, first of all, not at the discovery of autointertext - the similarity of the short novel with other Dovlatov’s texts - but at the semantic (philosophical) component of autointertextuality. The author pays attention not to the formal presence of (auto)intertextemes, but to the content of references to earlier works used by the writer.
Key words and phrases: русская литература постмодерна, "Иностранка", Довлатов, автоинтертекст, интертекстуальность, Russian postmodernity literature, "A Foreign Woman", Dovlatov, autointertext, intertextuality
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