Solodovnikova Ol’ga Vladimirovna, Buran Anna Leonidovna, Snisar Anastasiya Yur’evna
National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
Submitted: 10.06.2019
Abstract. The article presents the results of the onomatological analysis of the onym segment of technonymics as a part of the renewable energy terminology of modern English. The focus is on the subclasses of onyms formed with the help of transonymization and designating renewable energy infrastructure facilities. A significant part of the reasoning is devoted to the disclosure of technonymics essence in the onomastic space of the indicated terminological sphere. The study results deepen the understanding of the modern English onomasticon in relation to its peripheral lexical composition.
Key words and phrases: номинативная функция языка, онимный сегмент, субклассы онимов, технонимы, ономатологический анализ, лексико-семантическое поле, сфера возобновляемой энергетики, современный английский язык, nominative function of language, onym segment, subclasses of onyms, technonyms, onomatological analysis, lexico-semantic field, renewable energy, modern English
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