Makarova Svetlana Anatol’evna
"LEKSRUS" Publishing House
Submitted: 06.06.2019
Abstract. Selvinsky’s poetry is inseparable from the world of music, which creative experience covers both the main events of the poet’s life and the Russian history of the XX century, the fate of all the mankind. Music in Selvinsky’s lyrics is a multifaceted topic, wealth of images, a serious reason for reflection on social, moral-philosophical and cultural-aesthetic themes. His lyrical work abounds not only with musical allusions, comparisons, allegories, genres, forms, terms, but also with artistic techniques that bring poetic speech closer to musical art expression.
Key words and phrases: И. Л. Сельвинский, панмузыкальность, конструктивизм и эпоха "живого слова", поэт-композитор, музыкальные формы в лирике, образ Бетховена, I. L. Selvinsky, panmusicality, constructivism and the era of the "living word", poet-composer, musical forms in lyrics, Beethoven’s image
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