Chernova Valeriya Alekseevna
Moscow Pedagogical State University
Submitted: 16.03.2019
Abstract. The article is devoted to the problem of identifying the genre peculiarities and dramaturgical principles of an extravaganza play in G. B. Shaw’s creative work. G. B. Shaw is a pioneer in the sphere of dramaturgic genres and a founder of the extravaganza genre. The origin of this genre is associated with G. B. Shaw’s devotion to paradox as a stylistic device by which the dramatist created unusual personages and paradoxical situations. The researcher concludes that some of G. B. Shaw’s plays can be rightfully considered as extravaganza. The study aims to identify genre content of an extravaganza play.
Key words and phrases: пьеса-экстраваганца, парадоксальность, ситуация, экстравагантное поведение героев, Б. Шоу, английская драматургия, extravaganza play, paradoxicality, situation, personages’ extravagant behaviour, G. B. Shaw, English dramaturgy
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