Hu Yeshuang
Shanghai International Studies University
Submitted: 08.04.2019
Abstract. Transliteration is a frequent translation technique described in scientific literature as integrity of transformation methods used in translation. Such a statistical approach to analysing the mentioned technique does not take into account numerous cultural factors significantly influencing the efficiency of translation. Meanwhile, just these factors often determine the choice of transliteration methods. Considering the above mentioned, the article analyses the cultural factors determining the choice of transliteration methods. The dominant cultural and sub-cultural factors are identified. The study is conducted by the material of the living Chinese language. The research material includes newspaper articles, literary works, etc. Relying on the findings, the author suggests principles for choosing an optimal transliteration method.
Key words and phrases: транслитерация, прием перевода, способы преобразования при переводе, доминирующие культурные факторы, субкультурные факторы, принципы, выбор оптимального варианта транслитерации, transliteration, translation technique, transformation methods used in translation, dominant cultural factors, sub-cultural factors, principles, choice of optimal transliteration method
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