Gerasimova Evdokiya Sofronovna, Gur'ev Aleksandr Yur'evich
M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University
Submitted: 23.04.2019
Abstract. The purpose of this research is to identify and to sort phraseological units on religious themes in the Yakut language and to conduct their statistical analysis. In this article, for the first time in linguistics of the Yakut language, a classification of phraseological units according to religious themes is carried out. The statistical calculation of the number of phraseological units in each group is made as well. In total, 7 groups of phraseological units are revealed: 1) blessing "алгыс"; 2) trade cult; 3) cult of the deities "айыы"; 4) shamanism; 5) phraseological biblical expressions; 6) euphemism; 7) folklore. The number of collected phraseological units is calculated and the statistical result, on the basis of which a logical conclusion is drawn about the reasons for such a ratio of the number of phraseological units, is delivered. The total amount of 71 religious idioms is presented in the work.
Key words and phrases: якутский язык, фразеологизмы, религия, библеизмы, шаманизм, промысловый культ, фольклор, Yakut language, phraseological units, religion, biblical expressions, shamanism, trade cult, folklore
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