Zav'yalov Viktor Nikolaevich, Ma Zhao
Pacific National University
Submitted: 19.04.2019
Abstract. In the article, a multi-aspect characteristic of the lexeme "будь" is presented. This lexeme is poly-functional; however, it has been studied, as a rule, only within the framework of certain tasks set before one or another researcher. In the paper, it is described in a comprehensive manner, taking into account its main categorial properties. In addition, the factors related to the frequency of the specified lexeme in the modern Russian language in its various chronological sectors are studied, and some historical aspects of its functioning are considered as well. The result of the work is streamlining and specifying information about the lexeme "будь" for subsequent extended lexicographic portraying.
Key words and phrases: морфология, синтаксис, лексема, словоформа, императив, условное наклонение, пояснение, синтаксическая конструкция, morphology, syntax, lexeme, word-form, imperative, conditional mood, explanation, syntactic construction
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