Gertner Elizaveta Viktorovna
Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin
Submitted: 10.04.2019
Abstract. The article discusses the linguocultural type of girl-huntress characteristic of the glamorous-glossy prose of the current time. Three texts from the series of novels by Yulia Shilova serve as material for the study. The "huntress" Natalia develops strategies and tactics supported by speech stereotypes leading to the achievement of the set goal: to become the wife of a rich and successful man. In the course of the stylistic and linguo-axiological analysis of the texts, the author accomplishes the objective connected with the identification of the type-forming characteristics of girl-huntress. Brand style of thinking, which is formed by the culture of glamour and gloss, careerism, greed, cynicism, painful egocentrism, lack of principle, obsession - all this allows interpreting the type of huntress as a "diagnosis".
Key words and phrases: гендерные стереотипы, гламурно-глянцевый текст, массовая литература, лингвокультурный типаж, ценностные установки, gender stereotypes, glamorous-glossy text, mass literature, linguocultural type, value attitudes
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