Shcherbakova Irina Vladimirovna
Don State Technical University
Submitted: 14.03.2019
Abstract. The article examines the features of conveying the emotion of fear in a character’s behaviour in a fiction text of modern prose in the German and Russian languages. Non-verbal ways of expressing emotions give a reader the idea of the emotional state of a character’s fear in a fiction text most fully. The paper analyses texts that provide a character’s non-verbal speech behaviour filled with fear. The author reveals the lexical means of conveying a character’s emotional state. The means of conveying the emotion of fear used in a writer’s and in a character’s speech in a fiction text are analysed.
Key words and phrases: художественный текст, невербальные средства, эмоция, "страх", персонаж, fiction text, non-verbal means, emotion, "fear", character
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