Stolbovskaya Margarita Anatol'evna
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)
Submitted: 13.04.2019
Abstract. This article deals with compound adjectives by the material of computer vocabulary of the English and Russian languages. Models of compound adjectives are defined in computer vocabulary in both languages; compound adjectives formed by fusion are identified in computer vocabulary of the Russian language. In both languages, by the example of this vocabulary, the author considers compound adjectives structure, defines relations between compound adjectives components and describes similarities and differences in the formation and translation of compound adjectives used in the computer field.
Key words and phrases: английский язык, русский язык, компьютерная лексика, сложные слова, сложные прилагательные, модели, словообразование, English language, Russian language, computer vocabulary, compound words, compound adjectives, models, word formation
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