Moskvitin Evgenii Vladimirovich
Pushkin Leningrad State University
Submitted: 26.03.2019
Abstract. The article examines the problems of the status and differentiation of professional languages by the example of the German railway sublanguage. The study is based on previous works of the German terminologists. This is due to the fact that not enough attention is paid to the studies of the differentiation of special languages of technical branches in domestic terminology and sociolinguistics. The analysis of the German railway sublanguage according to certain criteria has allowed identifying heterogeneity of this national language variant. This leads to the conclusion on the existence of sub-variants of this language variant, i.e. "sublanguages of professional language".
Key words and phrases: профессиональные языки, профессиональный дискурс, специальная лексика, лексико-семантическое поле, стилистический регистр, социолект, символы, professional languages, professional discourse, special vocabulary, lexico-semantic field, stylistic register, sociolect, symbols
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