Akkuratova Irina Borisovna
Moscow State Linguistic University
Submitted: 24.03.2019
Abstract. The article reveals some features of the hybridization of lexical units with an Anglicism component in the conceptual field "Education". Diachronic data on Anglicisms functioning in the studied area are given. Borrowed material is systematized by source spheres. The pragmatic potential of Anglicisms in hybrid words is analysed. Various methods of hybridization are considered including cases of analogy with the use of new word-building means from the English language. The author notes a feature of hybridization at the spelling level - separate writing of a composite components.
Key words and phrases: гибридизация, словосложение, сфера жизни, термин, детерминологизация, словообразовательная модель, аналогия, hybridization, composition, sphere of life, term, determinologization, derivational model, analogy
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