Kunavin Evgenii Sergeevich
Moscow Pedagogical State University
Submitted: 17.03.2019
Abstract. The article analyses chapters from F. Kafka’s novel "The Trial" ("In the Empty Courtroom - The Student - The Offices", "K.’s Uncle - Leni", "Block, the Businessman - Dismissing the Lawyer"), which are correlated with the "three stages" conception and the motive of loneliness represented in S. Kierkegaard’s works ("Either/Or", "The Sickness unto Death", "The Concept of Anxiety", "Fear and Trembling"). The theme of an individual’s essential loneliness before Absolute is considered. Referring to S. Kierkegaard’s philosophical views, the author examines the first of the three stages - the aesthetic one, which leads to an individual’s despair. The paper shows clearly the similarity of the writers’ worldview, which includes the conception of an individual’s absolute loneliness before the God. The paper concludes about the importance of the "three stages" conception for understanding "The Trial" and the motive of loneliness for F. Kafka’s creative work in general.
Key words and phrases: Кафка, Кьеркегор, "Процесс", "Или-или", "Болезнь к смерти", творчество, одиночество, отчаяние, эстетическая стадия, F. Kafka, S. Kierkegaard, "The Trial", "Either/Or", "The Sickness unto Death", creative work, loneliness, despair, aesthetic stage
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