Getmanskaya Mariya Konstantinovna, Getmanskaya Anna Vasil’evna
Saint Petersburg University
Submitted: 13.02.2019
Abstract. The article is devoted to the consideration of the notion "linguistic personality". The authors trace the changes occurring in the methodology of teaching foreign languages, the purpose of which is to form a linguistic personality. The researchers focus on specific features of a linguistic personality depending on the call of the times. The paper presents a new vision of linguistic personality in connection with the geopolitical changes taking place in the modern world and entailing changes in the methodology of teaching foreign languages. Polycultural linguistic personality is considered as a subject with a multi-component set of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for the implementation of full-fledged mutually enriching interaction with representatives of other cultures, for deeper knowledge and preservation of native culture and other peoples’ cultures.
Key words and phrases: язык, культура, лингвокультурология, межкультурная коммуникация, иноязычные навыки и умения, коммуникативная компетенция, поликультурный диалог, поликультурная языковая личность, национально-культурная идентичность, language, culture, linguoculturology, crosscultural communication, foreign language skills and abilities, communicative competence, polycultural dialogue, polycultural linguistic personality, national and cultural identity
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