Yakh’’yaeva Aza Abdulvakhidovna
Chechen State University
Submitted: 13.03.2019
Abstract. The article discusses the main types of abbreviations and the ways of their formation in the French language as one of the most productive ways of derivation. As a result of the analysis of newspaper articles, the author identifies the main trends of abbreviations occurrence in the modern French press language. In the contemporary French newspapers, as in no other language, various types of abbreviation are actively used. This applies to the names of political parties and organizations, the names of famous political figures, etc. Abbreviations use in the press ensures the brevity of the material presentation and saving printing space, as well as high information content and expressiveness.
Key words and phrases: аббревиация, аббревиатура, язык СМИ, телескопия, инициализмы, альфабетизмы, акроним, апокопа, abbreviating, abbreviation, media language, telescopy, initialisms, alphabetisms, acronym, apocope
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