Bil’ Ol’ga Nikolaevna, Glushenko Tat’yana Nikolaevna, Kulyupina Galina Alekseevna
Belgorod National Research University
The University of Jordan
Belgorod State University of Arts and Culture
Submitted: 13.02.2019
Abstract. The article deals with women’s literature and its figurative potential by the example of comparison. Comparison is described as a way of reflecting the image of the world in contemporary women’s prose and dramaturgy. The paper identifies the dominant tropes; a group of nominations involved in comparative constructions is noted. Relations between the image and the subject of comparison, which represent the level correspondence of the names of different subject groups, are identified. The authors highlight the representatives characterizing the nominations of the comparison image, representing the names of different levels of image perception (direct nomination and figurative connotations).
Key words and phrases: троп, сравнение, женская литература, современная женская проза, современная женская драматургия, язык художественного произведения, текстовое пространство, trope, comparison, women’s literature, modern women’s prose, modern women’s dramaturgy, language of work of fiction, textual space
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