Shchemeleva Elena Borisovna
Moscow State University of Education
Submitted: 06.03.2019
Abstract. In the article, the author reveals the content of the notion "ekphrastic discourse" focusing on the problem of visual art representation in a postmodernist literary work, when the text receives a variety of interpretations. The purpose of the study is to identify the degree of interaction of the visual object, the illustration "The Last Day of Pompeii" by K. P. Bryullov, with the artistic space of the historical novel "Pompeii" by the modern British writer R. D. Harris. Special attention is paid to the relations between different cultural and historical epochs reflecting the synthesis of the aesthetics of postmodernism and the mythological worldview inherent in the ancient world.
Key words and phrases: Р. Д. Харрис, экфрасис, экфрастический дискурс, визуальное искусство, вербальное искусство, постмодернистская поэтика, мифологическое мировоззрение, R. D. Harris, ekphrasis, ekphrastic discourse, visual art, verbal art, postmodernist poetics, mythological worldview
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