Fidarova Rima Yaponovna, Kaitova Irina Anatol’evna
V. I. Abaev North-Ossetian Institute of the Humanities and Social Studies of Vladikavkaz Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Government of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania
North Ossetian State University named after Kos
Submitted: 17.02.2019
Abstract. The article studies complex relations of the hero and the people in E. Britaev’s drama "Amran", which form structural and content features, ideological and artistic issues, and the system of artistic images. The authors have found out that in his drama, E. Britaev departs from the world literary tradition of Prometheus theme interpretation. It is noted that Britaev does not follow the folk tradition either: in the Ossetian folklore, there are many stories about Amran chained to the rock, but the author of the drama departs from the symbolism of Amran’s folk image, as he tries to answer the questions raised by the socio-historical situation in Ossetia.
Key words and phrases: драма, герой, действие, литературная традиция, фольклор, Е. Бритаев, drama, hero, action, literary tradition, folklore, E. Britaev
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