Sadokova Anastasiya Ryurikovna
Lomonosov Moscow State University; Moscow City University
Submitted: 17.02.2019
Abstract. The article deals with the history of borrowing by the early-medieval Japanese literature the plots of ancient legends recorded in the VIII century and included in one of the scrolls of the poetic anthology "Man'y?sh?". By a specific example, the author shows what changes the source text underwent and reveals the main transformations at the plot, stylistic and artistic levels. It is shown how a rather complex literary work consisting of several parts was created on the basis of a simple folklore storyline within the monument of the early-medieval Japanese literature "Yamato Monogatari". It is noted that this way of borrowing and transforming folk texts can be considered in the context of the process of the national Japanese prose formation.
Key words and phrases: древние народные предания, процесс заимствования, литературная обработка, фольклорные мотивы, раннесредневековая японская литература, поэтическая антология "Манъёсю", жанр ута-моногатари, ancient legends, borrowing process, literary adaptation, folk motives, early-medieval Japanese literature, poetic anthology "Man'y?sh?", ‘uta monogatari’ genre
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