Emel'yanov Igor' Stepanovich
M.K. Ammosov North Eastern Federal University
Submitted: 18.02.2019
Abstract. The article considers the double-ganger theme in the novel "Drood, or the Man in Black" by the American writer Dan Simmons. The paper aims to examine the importance of the double-ganger in the novel, to identify the basic problems closely associated with this theme. The researcher discovers the interrelation of the novel with the English and American literary tradition and simultaneously emphasizes Simmons’s original interpretation of the double-ganger theme. The findings lead to the conclusion that the writer’s appeal to the Victorian epoch and the double-ganger theme is conditioned not only by his interest in these socio-cultural phenomena but also by his intention to tackle relevant social and philosophical issues, problems of good and evil, human being and society.
Key words and phrases: двойничество, Дэн Симмонс, викторианство, Чарльз Диккенс, Уилки Коллинз, ненадежный рассказчик, двоемирие, double-ganger, Dan Simmons, Victorianism, Charles Dickens, Wilkie Collins, unreliable narrator, dual world
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