Zhukova Lyubov' Vladimirovna
Novosibirsk Military Institute named after General of the Army I. K. Yakovlev of National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation
Submitted: 23.01.2019
Abstract. The article examines the conceptual, figurative and value components of LABOUR concept in the Russian Germans’ language by the material of schwanks. The author emphasizes the importance of schwanks when studying the Russian Germans’ language and culture under the conditions of dialects extinction. The analysis allows concluding that at the conceptual level the Russian-German ethnos’s linguo-culture has experienced strong influence of the Soviet regime and the Russian-speaking environment while at the figurative and value levels it manifests typical features of the traditional German worldview.
Key words and phrases: российские немцы, шванк, диалекты, лингвокультурный концепт, когнитивные классификаторы, национальная специфика, языковая картина мира, Russian Germans, schwank, dialects, linguo-cultural concept, cognitive classifiers, national specificity, linguistic worldview
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