Pashkevich Ol’ga Iosifovna
Yakutsk Institute of Water Transport (Branch) of the Siberian State University of Water Transport
Submitted: 10.01.2019
Abstract. The article deals with the image of childhood as an important period in human life by the example of the Yakut writers’ creativity. The Yakut writers’ works are largely autobiographical; they trace the influence of the surrounding nature and the society on the formation of the main characters’ personalities, their beliefs and values. In this regard, the paper attempts to identify the features of the linguistic expression of childhood memories, which involves works that have not been previously studied in this perspective. The writers widely reveal the principles of the Sakha people’s ethnopedagogy, and also convey the nationnal mentality features.
Key words and phrases: якутская литература, образ, мир детства, Н. Е. Мординов, С. А. Попов-Тумат, И. И. Инокентьев, В. Федоров, С. Москвитин, И. В. Мигалкин, Yakut literature, image, world of childhood, N. E. Mordinov, S. A. Popov-Tumat, I. I. Inokentyev, V. Fedorov, S. Moskvitin, I. V. Migalkin
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