Abstract. The article examines the peculiarities of the verbal arrangement of the German monologic statement. The author focuses on the prosodic (supra-segmental) means of speech. In oral message, speech melodics, rhythm, tempo, pausing and tone are inseparable from lexical and syntactical means. Radio news items from the German podcasts motivate a recipient to decode information accessible only through auditory perception. The paper analyses a selection of news items from the viewpoint of the combination and realization of the prosodic elements of speech.
Key words and phrases: просодия, монолог, радионовости, мелодика, ударение, пауза, ритмическая группа, синтагма, локализация мелодического знака, локализация ударности, прогредиентная мелодика, интеррогативная мелодика, терминальная мелодика, prosody, monologue, radio news, melodics, accent, pause, rhythmic group, syntagma, localization of melodic symbol, localization of accent mark, progressing melodics, interrogative melodics, terminal melodics
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